Sunday, March 3, 2013

Super Godly Gifts

Live from the Sunset Strip
Live from the Sunset Strip
Every now and then God's grace finds it's way back to me after a tough struggle or hardship. Some may view my putting a "Doll Convention" amongst Gods good graces as out of touch or immature. If this is the case or a question in your mind you either know me or have a relationship with God. I am not here to preach to anyone person but for some reason felt the need to explain myself on how my relationship with God and my love for collecting the Sybarites fall into the same category.

Without going into my living hell in 2012 I can sum it up by saying death, surgery, and suicide all of which deeply wounded my spirit and faith as all three of these were dealt with by 3 different people all within a 6 month radius. Never wanting my SUPERDOLL blogs to reflect my personal life or get confused with the mission statement or creation of there purpose and this was to be information, education, and most of all sharing IMAGERY of these beautiful wonders called the Sybarites.

WE all have our ways of dealing with stress, pain, and/or sadness. My way is ESCAPING into a world filled with Couture Creations and the Dolls who wear them. Photographing, posing, building diorama's or set scenes for each letting my imagination and creativity go wild with endless options an possibilities. In my almost 4 years collecting these dolls have come to the realization they are more than just pretty to look at or collect. My Sybarite dolls have literally been heart savers and my muses to looking forward at a life filled with color and excitement and not just living in black and white anymore.

I still remember my begging my partner David on wanting to own just one. YES the infamous I only want just one routine which if you are a Sybarite collector you know all too well this is a big untruth one if not careful could end up in debt or worse become O.C.D.- Obsessive Couture Doll disorder. Having to admit to myself I had a problem with FBR or in Sybarite terms "Fashion Beyond Reason". What this means is my Sybarites refused or I refused to dress them in anything BUT FBR which is the Superdoll Couture line specifically crafted with the Superdoll in mind.

My hat is off to the SuperDuo in a brilliant ad campaign from the days of Tattoo release to the V3 or Generation 3 today. If you own the Haute Doll with Couture Savage on the cover then you will understand better what I mean by brilliant ad campaign. Thinking now at how Couture Savage was not just the new girl on the block in Superdoll world but it was the way in which Charles described in an interview not with him but with CS herself. I fell head over heels in love with the whole concept of these Divas of delight having their own aura or personality so to speak.

On this eve of March 2nd 2012 after paying my deposit for my first Sybarite USA Convention Live on the Sunset Strip has brought me here to my blog in celebration for this chance of a lifetime and to say thank you to those who have supported me this last year during my darkest of hours. If you were to tell me 2013 would be a lucky year for me I would laugh in your face as I am very superstitious especially with numbers like 13. However not so superstitious my faith has never faltered not even come close. Which is why I chose to share my hope for this year and event to Gods Good Grace as a major factor in what I hope to be one of the happiest years and/or times of my life.

Another HUGE deal for me comes from this chance event. Finally being able to MEET in PERSON some of the KEY Collectors from who I have been emailing, posting, buying, selling, etc. from the last 4 or so years. One thing about technology I have learned in my 20 years online starting out with AOL 1.5 is first impressions get lost in the shuffle of bytes, RAM, and modems. I have always said if you are in a bad mood or feel rushed in some way not to read emails from friends or work partners as your feelings can easily read into a letter more than what you think it was meant to be taken.

I have gotten myself into many a situations over the years by being sarcastic and playful only to realize in the long run it was not seen as fun or playful but taken way too seriously which then only leads to endless posts and emails obsessing about hurting ones feelings. Knowing not all but a handful of collectors and I will finally meet in person will hopefully and finally put to rest any uncertainty about my character and integrity and I don't mean dolls. Two qualities I take very seriously and find it almost impossible to protect online if the group you run with has never met you in reality only virtual reality.

Could I be hoping too much, after all maybe the powers that be regardless will think I am an asshole?
I am okay with this as you can't please everyone but to have the chance to please someone is worth the price of the event and who knows more connections and friendships will lead to more DOLLS.
Wanting to go some more about what is up ahead like my documentation of a complete sueding, cleaning, and re stringing of a ONE Couture Savage with photos and directions starting later this early morning. My prayers are to do a great job where it has some value among other collectors who like myself were fearful of re stringing their dolls.

 After last year I have come to embrace RISK and weigh whatever the RISK is options and go from there.

Not a wealthy person but comfortable and smart enough to have a back up plan if need be. But I can't fear my dolls anymore as they at one point caused more stress than enjoyment. The worse could happen is I break one of her pieces. The best is I succeed and am able to share the process with all of you.

So in closing I have come to enjoy sharing my favorite and/or inspiring individuals be it by crafting, molding sewing, and my favorite photography taking of the Superdoll. This inspiring Sybarite collector needs no introduction only applause. Crazy dolls or better known as DA DA within the community I share with you the link to her AWESOME Flickr collection.

DA DA flickr feed

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